Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

What do emojis have to do with news?

We all know these guys -> 😀 😁 😍 😎 💩
Emojis (very much like hashtags) are often seen as trashy or funny ways to communicate among teens. I believe there's more behind the increasing use of those funny faces.

There are different views on where the future of communication and messaging is headed: some think it's all about video (or gifs), others believe that there's a huge opportunity in stickers, since they have the ability to transmit emotions in just a single image. We think it's the same for emojis, which offer a slightly more standardized way to communicate what you're feeling.

We noticed that people increasingly use emojis when they share articles on social media. So, together with our friend Sebastian, we went to a hackathon to build a messenger bot that puts an emotional layer on top of news. Simply send us an emoji and get some news associated with it. Also, there are quite some funny results (hint: 💩 👊 🍆 ) so it's definitely fun to play with it.

You can try it here: messenger.com/t/EmojiNewsBot/

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