Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

2 types of ego

We believe ego is one of the strongest factors that makes people share things with their friends and followers. And it's nothing bad: everyone likes to be understood and show what they stand for and what they achieved. This is why we're exploring ways to appeal to different types of egos. I think there are at least 2 types.

1) individual ego: I achieved something
we try to address this by tagging influencers and hashtag starters and giving them a platform to show what they achieved so far.

2) group ego: we achieved something together
this one's interesting. very often (especially when it's about activism or fandoms) the individual is stepping back to support the group. something like this works well there:

Can you think of other types of "ego"? Have a great weekend!

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