Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

I'm back (again)

I think it's very interesting how discipline in certain parts of life affect each other. During the last weeks I didn't find myself very motivated to write those newsletters, also didn't work out a lot, and spent way too much time on watching TV shows.

I think those are the reasons:
  • exhausted due to studying for exams at night and commuting from Berlin to Karlsruhe a lot (long distance buses drain your energy)
  • too much focus on fuzzy long term goals (redesign, increase reach), lack of quick wins (which I believe help a lot to stay motivated)
  • no clear motivation to work out kept me in bed in the morning, worst thing to start the day
And this is why it will change (beginning today)
  • Only one exam left, in October, plenty of time
  • We'll launch our new version tomorrow 🎉 and will then be focusing on quick wins and short experiments
  • Just signed up for Freeletics, again, feels good to be back

See you tomorrow,

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In this newsletter, I try to reflect on my learnings of building an open source startup. Join 135 subscribers who receive a weekly email from me: