Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

Simple Twitter trick

When your social media following isn't that big, it's difficult to be heard. Especially on Twitter, it is essential that the right people engage with your content and spread it to their followers. We usually try to mention influencers and hashtag starters, hoping that they appreciate it and retweet our stuff. That works often, but it's still a gamble.

There's another possibility which can be quite powerful, if used intelligently: replying to tweets. If you're fast, your tweet appears right below the popular influencer's tweet, which means massive impression gains. My personal account is really small, I usually only have about 200 tweet impressions. Today I replied to a semi popular tweet from Jan Böhmermann and got more than 3,500 impressions on it (and it's a shitty tweet, no retweets etc):

I know this is nothing really new, but I believe that this little trick isn't used as much as it could be. You don't even need to keep the @mention at the beginning of the tweet. For example, you can also use it when one of your tweets goes off and you want to direct that traffic to somewhere else. During the Prosieben-Shitstorm this worked REALLY well and brought almost 1,000 clicks to our website because the initial tweet got 60k impressions (Pro7 retweeted us):

See you tomorrow,

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