Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

How we try to create a feedback culture

Having first additional team members to the core team can be quite challenging: it's not just us 2 co-founders grunting at each other anymore. With each additional member it's becoming a more diverse and complex system.

We really want to put a lot of emphasis on creating a nice work environment where every voice is heard. The interesting part: people are not used to that."You can tell us any feedback," sounds nice, but doesn't really spark productive conversations because especially new team members are holding back their thoughts by default. People don't want to be the ones who complain.

We tried this on 1-on-1's this week: We let them write down 3 likes and 3 wishes about what they have done so far and what could be better. And we did the same with feedback about their work. And it worked really well. Having a clear goal (3 things per category) makes it easier to write down even the smallest things, and also "wishes" sound better than "this was bad."

How are you dealing with feedback culture?

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