Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

Our monthly recap

This month was a lot of fun: Not only did we have another team mate join us for a month during his summer break (Ole, 14 years old), we also thought a lot about ways to increase community engagement on our platform. We had a lot of ideas and I'm really excited to share what's coming in the upcoming weeks and months.

Traction: 59,200 sessions (damn, we wanted the 60k so bad!), +12% compared to July (Google Analytics data).
Also, two more great milestones: (1) best traffic day ever yesterday with 7,600 sessions, and (2) the first user generated hashtag hitting 1,000 views today (#Iam911)

Product: Biggest change: the community features, see the blog post about it here.

Financials: Made our first €3,000 with bootstrapping and have a few projects for the upcoming months. Takes time and dedication to do that besides HashtagNow, but it's worth it 💪

Our goals for next month: Next month will be all about chatbots. 🤖

How was your month?

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