Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.

Distributed Promotion

Facebook Instant Articles, Snapchat Discover, Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, Twitter, Periscope -> more and more social networks try to keep their users on their platforms as long as possible. 

Those new ways of content discovery (and, thus, decreasing homepage traffic) force publishers to think "distributed first" when developing new concepts for news and entertainment. There are now whole organizations that don't really care about their homepage (like NowThis) and rather bring the content where the audiences are. This new form of distribution is called homeless media.

At HashtagNow, we're trying to think this concept one step further: we use technology and curation to first aggregate content and that is distributed across platforms. Second, we use this standardized structure on our platform to generate content that can be easily packaged and distributed to any platform. Ideally by just the click of a button. This allows us to keep costs very low.

Here's one example we experimented with today: make use of the (kinda) new carousel format on Facebook to help users consume our content right on the platform (hope the gif is loading):

Note that this is only created with content from our page (header image and top curated content), so this format can be mostly automated if it works in manual tests.

Also, we used a different hashtag to experiment with the newly announced Instagram Stories feature. See the beginning for yourself:

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