Hi, I'm Jan König 👋. I'm one of the founders of Jovo, 28 years old, and live in Berlin. < Go back to learn more.


We (especially Alex) have been working on this for over a month. It's still a "soft launch," quite buggy and everything, but I'd extremely appreciate your feedback 🐱  please hit reply!
  • Anything that specifically caught your attention?
  • What's the one thing you'd wish us to do to make #Now more interesting?

US Edition | German Edition

Tomorrow, I will probably write about Instagram. We made some changes in how we curate content, and it's going very well right now. 3 of our most recent pictures made well over 1000 likes, with more than 5000 in total! Compared to our previous average of about 80, this is crazy.

See you tomorrow,

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